Different Chakras & Symptoms Associated With Their Blockage
Chakras can be defined as energy centers that are situated in the astral body of an individual. There are around seven such chakras, and each one exerts a specific effect on our physical, psychological, spiritual, as well as emotional domains. Hence, keeping all these chakras open is very crucial for our complete well-being. For learning more about aspects, such as different chakras, and surya namaskar steps name, you can seek the valuable guidance of The Yoga Institute. Founded in the year 1918 by the highly renowned yogi Shri Yogendra Ji, this famous yoga center is considered as the oldest in the entire globe. By placing a considerable emphasis on the different systems of yoga, such as Laya, Karma, Mantra, and Hatha, The Yoga Institute aims to make the comprehensive benefits from all these systems accessible to everyone.